Dana 24. svibnja 2018. godine u trajanju od 10:00h do 11:00h se održava zanimljiv i edukativan webinar „The Vulnerability and Protection of Child Rights Defenders“. Dušica Popadić iz Incest Trauma centra u Beogradu će, putem ovog webinar-a, predstaviti izazove osoba koji rade na području zaštite djece te diskriminaciju s kojom se susreću osobe koje govore protiv zlostavljanja djece, posebno ženskih organizacija. Pozivamo sve zainteresirane osobe koje rade na području zaštite prava djece da se prijave!
Prijaviti se možete putem sljedećeg linka: https://www.ispcan.org/ispcan-event/international-webinar-series-march/
„This webinar, presented by Dusica Popadic of Incest Trauma Center in Belgrade, Serbia, highlights the challenges of those who are working to safeguard children, including social context, the “backlash effect,” and discrimination against those who speak out against child abuse, particularly self-organizing women. Ms. Popadic will discuss mitigation strategies that result from the analysis of social context and the strength and commitment of professionals working in the field today.“