Nova autobiografska knjiga Laure Davis: The Burning Life of Two Stars: A Mother-Daughter Story

Poslušajte razgovor s Laurom Davis i Ellen Bass, koautorice knjige Hrabro ka oporavku OVDJE.

Intervju koji je s Laurom Davis vodila Dušica Popadić, direktorica Incest Trauma Centra Beograd, možete poslušati OVDJE.

Over thirty years ago – 1988, to be precise – Laura Davis coauthored The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse – a book that has had an extraordinary life, as it continues to be read and used, even as it helped prompt the publication of similar books and accounts, and, even more, helped change the language and perception surrounding women’s childhood sexual abuse itself. In her autobiographical new book, The Burning Life of Two Stars: A Mother-Daughter Story (Girl Friday Books), she tells a story of mother-daughter reconciliation and love to powerful ends. “From the opening moment when Laura Davis is called into life by her mother, to their braided, sometimes twisted, often beautiful, long life together, The Burning Light of Two Stars takes us on a journey of two unforgettable, larger-than-life characters. We are pulled into their story and their struggles and read on to know if they will find it within themselves to make peace together. A tour de force of indelible scenes woven together in an innovative structure, it seemed to me that the pages literally turned themselves. Laura Davis’s first book in nineteen years is a major publishing event, not to be missed.”—Carolyn Brigit Flynn. “Caregiving an elderly parent, especially against the backdrop of a difficult shared past, can be a bruising spiritual ordeal. We who must travel this territory don’t need any more sentimental narratives about it. What we do need is the healing medicine of truth-telling, and Laura Davis brilliantly and generously gives it to us. I literally could not put this book down.”—Katy Butler. 

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