Spotlight Initiative’s SDG Summit 2023 event on ending violence against women and girls

The high-level event will feature statements and conversations with Heads of State, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed, leaders from the European Union and United Nations, actress and UN Global Advocate Cecilia Suárez, actress, filmmaker and philanthropist Natalie Portman, actress and UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador Ashley Judd, as well as leaders from civil society, the private sector and other partners. With musical performances by MILCK and Natasha Bedingfield and hosted by Futurist Sinéad Bovell. DATE: Sunday, 17 September 2023 TIME: 15:00 - 16:30 VENUE: Trusteeship Council Chamber, UN Headquarters Building, New York The event is an opportunity to highlight the successes of the Spotlight Initiative's first phase, demonstrating 'proof of concept' not just on ending violence but as an accelerator across the SDGs. The moment aims to increase visibility, lay the foundations for the scale up of the Initiative, and secure commitments from Member States so that every country has a national plan to end violence against women and girls, based on the Spotlight Initiative's comprehensive model. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Click here to register.

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Call for Inputs: A Study on the Sexual Abuse & Exploitation of Children in the Entertainment Industry

UN Special Rapporteur on the Sale & Sexual Exploitation of Children: Website - The UN Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children is mandated to analyse the root causes of sale and sexual exploitation of children, identify new patterns of the phenomena, exchange good practices to combat it, promote measures to prevent it, and make recommendations for the rehabilitation of child victims of sale and sexual exploitation. Call for Inputs: A Study on the Sexual Abuse & Exploitation of Children in the Entertainment Industry ISSUED BY Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children DEADLINE - 04 October 2023 Purpose: To inform the Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the sale, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children. Pursuant to the Human Rights Council Resolution 52/26, the upcoming thematic report to the 55th session of the Human Rights Council will be presented in March 2024. Background and objectives Sexual abuse and exploitation of children in the entertainment industry is prevalent in various settings and contexts, and the risks multiply depending on the vulnerabilities and power dynamics that exist within the industry.[1] Children and adolescents within the entertainment sectors are usually involved in local or community entertainment initiatives, tourism or hospitality enterprises, commercial casting, auditions, filming or music sector, within social media, or through coverages in glamour or sports magazines. The scope of the entertainment sector can also be informal and unregulated, drawing workforce from children vulnerable to economic incentives without written contracts, where ample risks exist for abuse of exploitation.[2] These children affected include among others, singers, actors, show participants, dancers and athletes[3], within the digital space, the direct or virtual representation of children in chats, gaming, visual depictions, imageries, and graphics is also part of the profit-making entertainment industry.[4] Whether by physical presence or through digital platforms, perpetrators…

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Doing violence prevention well: Matching aspirations with funding timeframes

Source and publication is available HERE.  "Evidence that violence against women (VAW) can be reduced in years rather than lifetimes has attracted new interest and money to the field of violence prevention. While exciting and welcome, this attention has at times encouraged overly ambitious aspirations and expectations on the part of some funders and programme planners. It is essential that practitioners working to address VAW help manage these expectations and negotiate realistic objectives and timeframes; without these, both the impact of organisations’ investment and women’s safety may be put at risk- To help programme officers moderate their own expectations and those of funders, this brief provides examples of prevention programming that would be suitable for different timeframes, ranging from one year, two years, three years to 5 years and above.  It also highlights investments that for ethical and effectiveness reasons, should be avoided. It draws on the work and experiences of UN Women end violence against women teams and the technical expertise of the Prevention Collaborative, a global network of practitioners and researchers with deep knowledge of VAW prevention programming worldwide. The brief’s goal is to provide benchmarks for reasonable investment that programme officers can use when writing concept notes or negotiating funding. "

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Otvoreno pismo Šinejd O’Konor u kojem je upozoravala Majli Sajrus na opasnost

Cijeli članak, kao i pismo dostupno je OVDJE. "Hteli mi to ili ne, mi žene u industriji smo uzori i kao takve moramo biti izuzetno oprezne koje poruke šaljemo drugim ženama. Poruka koju neprestano šalješ je da je nekako cool biti prostituisan… to baš nije cool, Majli… opasno je. Žene treba ceniti mnogo više od njihove seksualnosti. Nismo samo objekti želje. Molim te da šalješ zdravije poruke svojim koleginicama… da one i ti vredite više od onoga što se trenutno događa u vašoj karijeri. Ljubazno otpusti svakog ko nije pokazao zabrinutost, jer ga nije briga za tebe."

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Još jedna sramota Rumunije: Nakon logora za decu, danas – domovi strave za stare

Cijeli članak dostupan je OVDJE. "U blizini Bukurešta ljudi kojima je potrebna pomoć su živeli bukvalno zaključani u improvizovanim domovima. U nehumanim uslovima. Novinari su otkrili taj skandal. U toku je istraga, navodi Dojče vele (DW). Otkrića o stravičnim uslovima koji su vladali u domovima za siročad u vreme Čaušeskovog režima u komunističkoj Rumuniji, izazvala su pre 33 godine zgražanje širom sveta. Najmanje petina od oko 100.000 zatočenih maloletnika preminula je zbog zlostavljanja, loše higijene i nepostojeće medicinske zaštite. Mnogi mališani tada su umrli zato što su bili žrtve nemara, ravnodušnosti ili čak cinizma. Većina onih koji su preživeli te domove, odrasli su sa teškim telesnim ili duševnim smetnjama. Službenih statistika o vremenima pre 1989. nema. Komunistički režim je istinu gurao pod tepih, zato što bi ona uništila sliku o „socijalističkom radničkom raju“, podseća Dojče vele. Osobe koje su tada radile za sistem takozvane brige o deci, proganjao je osećaj krivice. Oni uglavnom nisu bili spremni da svedoče o onome što se događalo i da odgovore na pitanje kako su uopšte bile moguće te slike koje su šokirale svet i koje su godinama bile najmračnija etiketa koja se vezivala uz Rumuniju – slike neuhranjenih maloletnika, koji su bili izloženi hladnoći, slike dece koja nisu bila u stanju da artikulišu reči, jednostavno zato što se u ranoj fazi razvoja niko nije brinuo o njihovim osnovnim potrebama. A i zato što su bili pod konstantnim uticajem sredstava za smirenje, sa kojima su ih bukvalno „pumpali“ kako ne bi smetali osoblju koje se za njih „brinulo“. Deca obeležena šokantnim tragovima fizičkog nasilja bezizražajno su buljila u kamere, na njihovim zarđalim krevetima, sa požutelim, istrošenim madracima, iza rešetaka za koje su često bili zavezani, kako ne bi glavom udarali po zidovima. Slične slike poslednjih dana se ponovo mogu videti u rumunskim medijima. Ovaj put se radi…

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Romania: Authorities investigate abuse at care homes

The whole article is available HERE. "Romania is reeling after recent revelations of appalling abuse and squalid conditions at "horror care homes" for the elderly and disabled. Authorities have now launched investigations. Thirty-three years after revelations about the horrific conditions in orphanages in Communist Romania shocked the world, care homes in Romania are back in the headlines. This time, the victims are elderly people and people with mental disabilities. Six months ago, investigative journalists from the Romanian online portal Centrul de Investigatii Media and Buletin de Bucuresti uncovered a business model they say has allowed the people in charge to enrich themselves at the expense of elderly and vulnerable people."

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Riši Sunak se izvinio zbog diskriminacije LGBTQ+ osoba u vojsci

Cijeli članak dostupan je OVDJE. "Premijer Velike Britanije Riši Sunak izvinio se zbog tretmana gej veterana, rekavši da je prethodna zabrana LGBTQ+ osobama da služe u vojsci Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva bila "užasan neuspeh britanske države". Izvinjenje dolazi nakon objavljivanja izveštaja u kome se navodi da su stotine, a možda i hiljade veterana otpuštane ili na neki način diskriminisane na osnovu zvanične zabrane homoseksualnosti u oružanim snagama Velike Britanije koja je važila do 2000. godine. „Kao što se jasno navodi u današnjem izveštaju, u tom periodu mnogi su pretrpeli najstrašnije seksualno zlostavljanje i nasilje, homofobno maltretiranje i uznemiravanje, sve dok su hrabro služili ovoj zemlji“, rekao je Sunak parlamentu. „Danas, u ime britanske države, izvinjavam se.“ U izveštaju, čiji je autor penzionisani viši sudija Terens Eterton, prikupljeni su dokazi od više od 1.100 veterana. Dokumentovani su efekti onoga što je nazvao „nerazumnom politikom homofobne netrpeljivosti u našim oružanim snagama“."

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Rishi Sunak apologises to LGBT veterans for past armed forces gay ban

The whole article is available HERE. "Rishi Sunak has apologised for the historical treatment of LGBT veterans who were sacked or forced out of the military for being gay. The PM called the ban an "appalling failure" of the British state. It was illegal to be gay in the British military until 2000 - with thousands of veterans thought to be affected. A report into their treatment recommended they be given a financial reward and that the PM publicly apologise. Addressing MPs, the prime minister said: "Many endured the most horrific sexual abuse and violence, homophobic bullying and harassment all while bravely serving this country.""

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