Engaging young survivors in participatory initiatives: What are we learning?


“The theme for this years’ European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse is ‘Learning from victims and survivors of childhood sexual violence to inspire policy change’.

This is an opportunity to highlight the importance of engaging with, and learning from, victims and survivors.

To mark this day, the Safer Young Lives Research Centre at the University of Bedfordshire will be hosting an online event to share some new resources we have developed that are relevant to this theme.

These resources are informed by an international research study exploring the potential outcomes associated with the participation of young survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation. We will share some of the key findings and outputs from the study, including a series of practitioner briefings and our comic, ‘Seeing Things From Both Sides’.
For any questions, please contact: claire.cody@beds.ac.uk

Please note there are limited spaces available.


The webinar is taking place on Friday 17th November 2023 from 10 – 10:45am (GMT).”

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