International premiere of the short films It Started With Trust co-produced by the Association SOS Help-line for Women and Children – Victims of Violence, Ljubljana

This year took a negative turn on women’s fundamental human rights, which is why protecting them is now more urgent than ever.

The Association SOS Help-line for Women and Children – Victims of Violence, Ljubljana and film production house Vertigo, Ljubljana produced three short fiction films, based on true events, about intimate partner violence. The short films are directed by Martin Draksler. The films were produced by Zala Opara.

Cast: Tina Resman, Lara Vouk and Doroteja Nadrah. DOP is Izidor Čok, editing by Ambrož Pivk.

Costume by Katja Vrenko, make up design by Anja Blagonja. Sound by Julij Zornik.

The first short film titled Everything Will Be Fine is based on true events and it talks about domestic violence. Domestic violence happens behind closed doors. It’s on us to stop it.

The short film is avalilable HERE.

The second short film titled I Didn’t Say Yes is also based on true events and it talks about experience of rape. More than 90% of rape cases go unreported.

The short film is available HERE.

The last film from the series of three shorts It Started With Trust, directed by Martin Draksler is the most heart-breaking.

It is titled Hope Dies Last, and is unfortunately also based on true events. Homicide is only the tip of the iceberg of domestic violence and it can be prevented by taking an action.
The short film is available HERE.

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